Welcome to Microchurch Network

An ecosystem of independent but connected micro churches.

About Microchurch Network

How to join:

In order to be a part of The Microchurch Network App, you will need to create an account that is free from the link below. If you are here to learn about or register for The Calling, Prophecy or Teaching Lab - Please scroll to the bottom and access the network by joining the lab. See you inside.

About Us

We are a network of relationships led by a Leadership Collective and we have a Service Platform who exists to serve the churches in our network. That is our DUAL Operating System.

The Microchurch Network App is more than courses, this is also a digital space where you canl stay connected to those in your relational network, network with other like-minded worshipping, missionary disciples, and be equipped and resourced to live out God's call on your life.